Goodbye, 2020

Hellooo, 2021


2020 The Good, the Great and the Beautiful! 

Welcome the newest addition of the Incontrera Strength and Conditioning (ISC) family—our fitness blog! My name is Tom Incontrera, and I currently run ISC in Rehoboth Beach, DE. I’ve been an athlete since I was 10 years old so strength & conditioning has played a major role in my life. I’ve been able to obtain a ton of knowledge over the years, and just recently brought on two new team members with similar backgrounds and experience. We wanted to provide you with valuable information beyond what we share with you in the gym, and include topics such as proper nutrition, training, healthy recipes, accomplishments of our clients, and much more. We are excited to kick-off our first blog post on the first day of this new year.

When you first think of 2020, “Good” “Great” and “Beautiful” are not exactly the first words to come to mind—but let’s change that for 2021. Let today be the start of learning from the challenges we faced, and how we can grow from them in 2021 and beyond.

In March 2020, the world was changed forever and we were no longer able to go places that had become part of our everyday routine, including the gym. Despite this major change, the world showed it’s resilience and dedication to a healthy lifestyle by adapting and embracing exercise at home. ISC posted several videos and had members of all ages working out virtually. We adapted. We were on phone calls and virtual workouts all day and we continued to work hard to reach our goals. We tend to focus on the negative of those first few months of lockdown, overlooking the fact that we really did prevail. We had our backs against the ropes and we fought back. We made the best of what life handed to us, and eventually returned to the gym with a newfound appreciation. I had athletes make really impressive gains and witnessed them move more weight than they ever had before. Members looking to lose weight were able to focus on their diet more closely—and combined with exercise, were able to achieve real and noticeable results.

Same thing went for how we reacted outside the gym. I think the most important thing that we gained from this year was extra time with family. With lockdown, families were forced inside and we heard all sorts of stories about family game nights, movie nights and even dressing up in their best attire just to go downstairs to the kitchen table for dinner! Family walks and workouts became a thing. Brothers and sisters were out back practicing their sports and playing with each other. It wasn’t an ideal situation but we made the most of it. That was the beautiful part of 2020.

While it’s important to recognize and celebrate our achievements these last nine months—it’s also important to recognize that this time of year can cause many of us to rest on our accomplishments—slack on our goals. Some that may have been in the best shape of their life, may feel like they traded this accomplishment for pumpkin pie and one too many holiday cookies. Well, we are here to tell you—you are not alone, and getting back on track is absolutely possible!

Incontrera Strength and Conditioning is starting a brand new weight loss competition called Take.Back.Control. This competition will be what gets you back in shape, and also includes cash prizes—yes, CASH! You can literally get paid to accomplish your goals!

The competition will begin with a weigh-in on January 10th, and then progress will be tracked with additional weigh-ins every three weeks. We will use our new InBody scale that will measure your body fat percentage, BMI, skeletal muscle mass, and weight. You will get access to the private Facebook group where the staff and members can support and motivate one another, share recipes, tips, coaching, and more. Each participant will get a 50% discount on all group sessions being led by Coach Megan on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

ISC will be there the entire way to support you and to ensure you make the necessary lifestyle changes—ones that will set you up for long term success! Let’s say goodbye to 2020 together, and make 2021 the start of a beautiful and healthy life.

You can sign up for the competition by clicking here. Please reach out with any questions.

Happy New Year, and I hope you all have a wonderful week!

- Coach Tom